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How to install Exact e-Synergy on Windows 2003 Server?



To install Exact e-Synergy on Windows 2003 server the following steps need to be performed:


Step 1

Download Exact e-Synergy, install and configure Exact e-Synergy on a web server on the same way as you did in Windows 2000 .


Step 2

Create an virtual directory or website and enable parent path for this virtual directory. Otherwise you will get error: Error in establishing Baco Environment:006~ASP 0175~Disallowed Path Characters The '..' characters are not allowed in the Path parameter for the Map Path method. Solution: see doc: 01.116.990. To enable this setting start, Internet Service manager, right click on the virtual directory of e-Synergy, select properties, tab virtual directory, button configuration, tab App options, select Enable parent paths.


Step 3

Reconfigure the metadata base of IIS. It can happen that you logged on to e-Synergy and you get the baconorights.asp. However you have the correct roles and security level to log in into e-Synergy. This is a known issue at Microsoft.


  • Enable the possibiliy to edit the Metabase. Start the internet information server, right click the 'Internet Information Services (IIS) Manager'. Mark the top checkbox, titled: 'Enable Direct Metabase Edit'. You should right click the computername that has the Application Server installed on it, so not the top of the tree, but one entry below.
  • Go to directory where adsutil.vbs script is stored. Mostly c:\inetpub\adminscripts and give the next command:
    cscript adsutil.vbs set w3svc/authpersistence 0x40. This needs to happen in DOS.
  • The next message is shown:



  • After completion of the script do not forget to unmark the checkbox 'Enable Direct Metabase Edit' in the IIS Manager as descibed in the first step.

When you try to access Exact e-Synergy that is configured in IIS6.0 to use Integrated Windows authentication only. It can happen that you are prompted for your user credentials and after you try to log on three times, you receive the following error message:

HTTP Error 401.1 - Unauthorized: Access is denied due to invalid credentials.

This is a known issue at Microsoft and they have supplied next resolution and workaround:

Step 4

Enable ASP as dynamic content. By default, when Internet Information Services (IIS) is installed on any version of the Microsoft Windows Server 2003 family, IIS only serves static content (HTML). When you request dynamic content, such as Active Server Pages (ASP) or ASP.NET pages, you receive one of the following error messages:

HTTP Error 404 - File Not Found -or- HTTP Error 404- File or Directory not found

To permit IIS to serve other types of content, the administrator must unlock this content in the Web service extensions node in the IIS management console. To do this, either enable a pre-existing Web service extension or add a new Web service extension.

Enable a Pre-existing Web Service Extension in IIS 6.0

    • Open IIS Manager, expand the master server node (that is, the Servername node), and then select the Web service extensions node.
    • In the right pane of the IIS Manager, right-click the extension that you want to enable. In this example, this is Active Server Pages.
    • Click to select the Allow check box.


Step 5

By default the download size is limited to 4 MB per ASP request. When you for instance want to download an attachment of 6 MB from a document. The download will fail. This can be solved by editing the Metabase. To change the download sizes modify the value for AspBufferingLimit in the Metabase to appropriate size. Start IIS manager, rights mouse click on server, properties. Enable Direct Metabase edit. Open the Metabase.XML file with notepad. Normally located in system32\inetsrv directory. Search for AspBufferingLimit. Change the value to the amount you want. (Default is 4194304 bytes = 4 Mb) Save the Metabase.XML file and disable the checkbox Enable Direct Metabase edit via the IIS manager.< BR >

Step 6

By default the upload size is limited to 200 kb per ASP request. When you for instance want to upload an attachment of 6 MB to a document. The upload will fail. This can be solved by editing the Metabase. To change the upload sizes modify the value for AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed in the Metabase to appropriate size. Start IIS manager, rights mouse click on server, properties. Enable Direct Metabase edit. Open the Metabase.XML file with notepad. Normally located in system32\inetsrv directory. Search for AspMaxRequestEntityAllowed. Change the value to the amount you want. Save the Metabase.XML file and disable the checkbox Enable Direct Metabase edit via the IIS manager.

Step 7

Do not configure a Web garden in IIS6.0 This is not supported for e-Synergy.


Step 8

Per default Windows 2003 server has an extra security feature installed for Internet Explorer. This feature will cause e-Synergy not to work in the browser on the server. Clients will not be bothered by this setting. If access is required via the Internet Explorer on the server than add the site to Trusted Sites. Follow the path Tools, Internet Options, Security (Internet Security Properties) to add the site. A second option to resolve this is to remove the feature via 'Add/Remove programs'. Go to Start, Settings, Control Panel, Add/Remove programs, there select 'Windows Components'. The option is called 'Internet Explorer Enhanced Security Configuration' and via the details it can be deactivated for the Administrator group or Everyone.

Step 9

If Exchange 2003 is also installed, please take a look at the settings of the virtual directory created for e-Synergy. The application pool setting needs to be set to 'exchange application pool'. Otherwise an error message will occur if a single mail merge is performed, the error message is: CDO.Message.1 error '80070005', Access is denied.

Step 10

By default the DefaultAppPool services is started. This services has to run otherwise the following error message is generated: 'Service Unavailable'. We have experienced in some situations that the DefaultAppPool was stopped. Please check this using the Internet Information Services SnappIn.


* Some issues may occur when the Windows 2003 Server installation is outdated. Therefore we recommend that you always apply the latest Service Pack available.

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 Main Category: Support Product Know How  Document Type: Support - On-line help
 Category: On-line help files  Security  level: All - 0
 Sub category: Details  Document ID: 02.978.606
 Assortment:  Date: 16-03-2017
 Release:  Attachment: